This post is intended to provide some (limited) background information on two-dimensional polygonal numbers. A previous post suggested an approach for generating a formula for higher-dimensional polygonal numbers. Future posts will elaborate on these numbers some more.
Some examples of two-dimensional polygonal numbers are:
the triangular numbers: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ...
the square numbers: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ...
the pentagonal numbers: 1, 5, 12, 22, 35,...
the hexagonal numbers: 1, 6, 15, 28, 45, ...
Comparing the listing for the hexagonal numbers with the diagrams above, you can see how the sequences are built diagrammatically. In general, beginning with a single dot, k-sided polygons are built by adding layers (called gnomons) consisting of k-2 segments, with each segment of the gnomon having one more dot than the segments of the previous layer. In this way, the nth gnomon consists of segments each n dots long, but with k-3 dots shared by adjoining segments (the corners).
The description above can lead you to a recursive formula for k-polygonals, writing p_k,n for the nth k-polygonal number:

The combinatorial formula for p_kn can be generalized to higher-dimensional polygonal numbers (pyrimidal numbers, etc.). See this previous post for some discussion on this.
The recreation here lies in showing that the various formulas for p_k,n are really the same, and then exploring the relationships between the different k-polygonals. A great resource is J.H. Conway and R.K. Guy's The Book of Numbers.